Scientific results and dissemination

D2.1. Set of viable satellite images released for LST extraction for the historical period (1988-2021) (month 7)
D2.2. Set of LST maps for the city chosen as test area for ICUS identification (month 19);
D2.3. Set of seasonal and annual synthetic maps of LST / ICUS (month 20);
D2.4. Synthetic ratio for correlations ensures between indices derived from Sentinel 2 images with LST from images taken by Landsat (month 14);
D2.5. List of types of urban tissue that favor the appearance of hot-spot and cold-spot areas (month 21);
D2.6. List of proposals for thermal remediation in hot-spot areas in the pilot area (month 23);
D3.1. Calculation algorithms presented in the form of stored procedures and WPS services, according to OGC standards (month 16 – beta version)
D3.1. Calculation algorithms presented in the form of stored procedures and WPS services, according to OGC standards (month 22 final version)
D3.2. Datasets published and available for viewing on the CI GIS server (month 22)
D3.3. A library of generalized algorithms for process replication for other urban areas (month 20 – Beta version; month 24)
D4.1. A3.2 and A3.3 results integrated in the front-end solution of CO customers (month 24)
D4.2. Near-real time mode available for recurring care service purchases (month 24)
D5.1. Project site updated periodically (month 24);
D5.2. Minimum 5 participations in scientific workshops and conferences (month 24);
D5.3. Two articles published in journals with calculated impact factor in Web of Science (at least in one journal in Q2) (month 24);
D5.4. Participation in a radio / TV show for the presentation of the newly created service (month 24);
D5.5. A workshop organized with current and potential requests of the CO for the presentation of the service performed (month 24).

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