Indeco Soft (Project Leader)

For over 19 years, Indeco Soft is a leading software development company in Romania, providing e-government solutions for more than 1000 public institutions (cities, county councils, schools, universities and private businesses).
The company’s software solutions include software specifically designed for the public administration, in an integrated solution organized in 5 packages: Social Care Management and eHealth, managing social care (social benefits, proceedings and workflows); Electronic Payment of local taxes, parking tickets and fines, utilities, donations; Citizen Interaction – Documents management, online petitioning, urban planning, online interaction and issue reporting; Agricultural Register including land use; Financial Management – budgeting, HR management, accounting, bills, investment and acquisition management; Administrative Income – local taxation regimes, public leases, business authorizations, building permits, transport management. The quality of our services is attested by our numerous yearly contract renewals while the development process is managed in compliance with ISO 9001 and 27001 quality standards. (read more)
Babeș- Bolyai University (Partner 1)

Babeş-Bolyai University (BBU) is a public institution of higher education whose mission is to promote and sustain within the local, regional, national and international community the development of specific cultural components. It is one of the top Romanian education and research institutions, according to most national and international ranking schemes. BBU considers scientific research as one of its main missions; for us, within BBU, as well as in interactions with the national and international community, research represents the main criterion for evaluation of academic standing. With everything it does, the Babes-Bolyai University strives to be a model of diversity, of cultural experiment, a pole of sustainable growth, a center of knowledge and technological innovation.
BBU offers, and constantly invests in, modern equipment and infrastructure. Advanced techniques in spectroscopy, microscopy, radiation, computing, climate changes, materials science, genetics, molecular biology, and others, are also available and connected to research partners at some of the world’s most competitive research institutions.(read more)
Creative Space (Partner 2)

Innovation-driven start-up, Creative Space is a private company providing on-demand research and innovation services to private and public beneficaries. Developing GIS and Earth-Observation based services for Smart Communities, the company was initially funded by Romania’s Startup Nation programme as a spin-off of ESA funded EOClimLab and Horizon 2020 SME Instrument GREENTOP projects. Its current services include on-demand Software Developpment as well as ICT Expertiese on Smart, Innovative Cities (communities) in Romania.(read more)